Sunday, August 28, 2011

Kuna Martal on nüüd enda isiklik blogi siis jätkan siin edaspidi mina ja kirjutan ikka sellest mis mul südames ja meeles, sellest kes me oleme, kust me tuleme, kuhu läheme ja mida peame tegema, et sinna jõuda.
Ma tean, et iga tüdruk ja naine, ükskõik kui vana või noor on Jumala armastatud tütar. Meil kõigil on jumalik potensiaal ja Taevase Isa ootused meie suhtes on suured.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Inspiratsioon õde Julie B. Beckilt

"The priesthood duty of every righteous man is to qualify for the blessing of holding that priesthood and trust for the Lord so that he can bless his family and those around him. And I will say the priesthood duty of sisters is to create life, to nurture it, to prepare it for covenants of the Lord. Don’t confuse the power with the keys and the offices of the priesthood. God’s power is limitless and it is shared with those who make and keep covenants. Too much is said and misunderstood about what the brothers have and the sisters don’t have. This is Satan’s way of confusing both men and women so neither understands what they really have."

"There is an intellectual study that can be made, but a spiritual confirmation is what teaches us who we are and what we are to do. There is much out in the world that is false by way of identity. There are identities of sensuality, women seeking power, prestige, money, leisure—all of these things are different identities. But the identity of a daughter of God is precious beyond compare, and rich, and full. We know that women are the guardians of the hearth and the home. And they have the responsibility for the hearts and souls of men and women and the children of our Heavenly Father. They are given this powerful and influential leadership role. Female responsibilities include being a wife, include being a mother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend. This is all about nurturing, teaching, and influencing. These are non-negotiable responsibilities. We can’t delegate them."

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mida iganes te usus palute Isalt minu nimel, mis on hea, uskudes, et te saate, vaata, see antakse teile.

Moroni 7:26

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Which would you rather be if you had the choice--divinely beautiful or dazzlingly clever or angelically good?
Anne of Greene Gables , L.M. Montgomery

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Vaadake Issanda tuletorni poole. Pole nii tihedat udu, nii pimedat ööd, nii tugevat tormi, nii eksinud meremeest, keda tema majakavalgus ei suudaks päästa.

President Thomas S. Monson,
Ensign, veebr 2001, lk 2

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Taevaisa ei saatnud meid üksnes sündima. Meid saadeti vastu pidama ja auga Tema juurde naasma.

Vanem Robert D. Hales,
Ensign, mai 1998, lk 76
Lepingutest kinnipidamine pole raske, kui teha seda meelsasti, “murtud südame ja kahetseva vaimuga”.

Vanem Richard G. Scott,
Ensign, mai 1997, lk 54

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Tore, et keegi on vahepeal ikka midagi siia ka kirjutanud!